Gifted and Talented Evaluation
Gifted and Talented Evaluation: This evaluation is used to assess children whose parents believe they possess elevated or superior cognitive and/or academic ability. This information can be helpful with enrollment into gifted and talented programs. Additionally, this information can be used to show what skills your child has already mastered, allowing them to focus on new and more advanced skills. This evaluation is for students 5 years and older.
Areas assessed:
1. IQ and Cognitive - will provide information regarding various cognitive strengths and weaknesses. Will assess areas such as Verbal Comprehension, Visual Spatial Processing, Working Memory, Reasoning Ability and Processing Speed.
2. Academic Achievement - will provide highly detailed information about reading, writing, and mathematical skills. Additionally, an age and grade equivalency will be obtained to determine exactly where your student is performing in relation to their peers.
Note: Each evaluation is customized to meet the specific needs of the client. Your evaluation may consist of different elements than those listed above.