ADHD Evaluation
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Evaluation: ADHD may present in a variety of external and internal behaviors. ADHD can either come in the form of Predominantly Inattentive type, Predominantly Hyperactive type, or a combination of both. This evaluation will determine if ADHD is present, which type, and the severity. Proper identification of ADHD is important in order to obtain the necessary accommodations and/or services within the school setting. Full IQ/Cognitive evaluation included. Parts of this assessment can also be used to evaluate treatment effectiveness by administering the test before treatment and during treatment to monitor change over time.
Areas typically assessed:
1. ADHD Testing - will provide formal assessment results regarding the presence and severity of ADHD.
2. Social/Emotional/Behavior - will provide information regarding Internalizing Problems (anxiety, depression), Externalizing Problems (Hyperactivity, Aggression, Conduct Problems), and Behavior (Attention Problems, Withdrawal). ADHD and Adaptive Behavior will also be assessed.
3. IQ and Cognitive - will provide information regarding various cognitive strengths and weaknesses. This information is critical so that instruction can be presented in a way that best matches the individual's cognitive strengths, leading to better retention of information.
4. Informal Play-Based Assessment, Child Interview, Self-Report (if age appropriate)
Note: Each evaluation is customized to meet the specific needs of the client. Your evaluation may consist of different elements than those listed above.